Board Game
Create A Boardgame
Your Boardgame needs to address a particular problem
Unit title: Product Design BOARDGAMES
Year: 8
Unit duration: 8 weeks
The relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry: Students will create a Board Game and students will create and submit a process journal for assessment.
Problem: In G8 there’s a lack of understanding and appreciation at HJIS for other cultures.
Design Brief: Your task is to research board games and one specific country’s festivals and holidays and create a board game that will help celebrate, increase awareness and understanding of that culture.
Design Specifications: The board game you create must:
be fun
be engaging
be easy to learn, hard to master
be suitable for G8 (target audience)
be clearly linked to a country increase appreciation of a country
Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit
Thinking skills
Communication skills
Unit Statement: National pride can be increased through fun games.
Inquiry: Global Context Communities Innovation Invention personal and cultural expression
Inquiry Questions
Factual: List the holidays and festivals in Japan Compare Japanese festivals and holidays to those from one other country List the best selling board games from 2000 - 2018
Conceptual: What make a board game enjoyable? Why do people play games? Can games increase knowledge and skills?
Debatable: Are board games valuable? What makes games addictive?
Azul_Filling | boardgames technology class (4) |
boardgames technology class (2) | boardgames technology class (1) |
boardgames technology class (3) | boardgames technology class (1) |
myp design a boardgame (3) | myp design a boardgame (4) |
myp design a boardgame (2) | myp design a boardgame (6) |
myp design a boardgame (1) | myp design a boardgame (5) |
Mon 27/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Create Website and Research Games
Wed 29/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Research Games
Thu 30/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Play games and analyse
Fri 31/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Write report and update Criterion A web page (computer trouble)
Mon 03/09 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Research county(s) and festivals (computer trouble)
Wed 05/09 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Turnin URL at Jupiter Ed + on an A4 page write about your focus country and festival(s) and also create #1 board game idea (based on an existing game).
Thu 06/09 >> Tidy up and complete Criterion A and also create #2 board game idea and outline on one A4 page​
Fri 07/09 >> CRITERION B: DEVELOPING IDEAS >> Create #3 board game idea and outline on one A4 page and work on website (report) section B Develop a list of success criteria for the solution
Mon 10/09 >> CRITERION B: DEVELOPING IDEAS >> Draw a detailed design of the best idea for a board game and present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others on website
Wed 12/09 >> CRITERION B: DEVELOPING IDEAS >> create a planning drawing/diagram which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution and complete process journal section B and self-assess​
Thu 13/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create a detailed plan
Fri 14/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game
Wed 19/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game (and Mr Watson assesses A and B)​
Thu 20/09 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> outline simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
Fri 21/09 >>CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game
Wed 26/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game
Thu 27/09 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> Testing Day... we play your board game
Mon 01/10 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> Testing Day... we play your board game​
Wed 03/10 >> Student work on Process Journal Website and 6 students (listed below) play boardgames.
Thu 04/10 >> MAP TEST
Fri 05/10 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> anaylse the results (google forms/feedback) and Mr Watson will explain how to prepare Criterion D
WED 10/10 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- MR Watson will explain how to complete Criterion C process journal and Mr Watson will assess student work
THUR 11/10 >> Students work on process journal website and Mr Watson will assess
FRI 12/10 >> Students work on process journal website and Mr Watson assess