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Board Game

Create A Boardgame

Your Boardgame needs to address a particular problem

Unit title: Product Design BOARDGAMES
Year: 8
Unit duration: 8 weeks


The relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry: Students will create a Board Game and students will create and submit a process journal for assessment.


Problem: In G8 there’s a lack of understanding and appreciation at HJIS for other cultures.


Design Brief: Your task is to research board games and one specific country’s festivals and holidays and create a board game that will help celebrate, increase awareness and understanding of that culture.


Design Specifications: The board game you create must:

  • be fun

  • be engaging

  • be easy to learn, hard to master

  • be suitable for G8 (target audience)

  • be clearly linked to a country increase appreciation of a country

Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit
Thinking skills
Communication skills


Unit Statement: National pride can be increased through fun games.


Inquiry: Global Context Communities Innovation Invention personal and cultural expression


Inquiry Questions

Factual: List the holidays and festivals in Japan Compare Japanese festivals and holidays to those from one other country List the best selling board games from 2000 - 2018


Conceptual: What make a board game enjoyable? Why do people play games? Can games increase knowledge and skills?


Debatable: Are board games valuable? What makes games addictive?





boardgames technology class (4)

boardgames technology class (4)

boardgames technology class (2)

boardgames technology class (2)

boardgames technology class (1)

boardgames technology class (1)

boardgames technology class (3)

boardgames technology class (3)

boardgames technology class (1)

boardgames technology class (1)

myp design a boardgame (3)

myp design a boardgame (3)

myp design a boardgame (4)

myp design a boardgame (4)

myp design a boardgame (2)

myp design a boardgame (2)

myp design a boardgame (6)

myp design a boardgame (6)

myp design a boardgame (1)

myp design a boardgame (1)

myp design a boardgame (5)

myp design a boardgame (5)



Mon 27/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Create Website and Research Games

Wed 29/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Research Games

Thu 30/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Play games and analyse

Fri 31/08 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Write report and update Criterion A web page (computer trouble)


Mon 03/09 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Research county(s) and festivals (computer trouble)

Wed 05/09 >> Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing >> Turnin URL at Jupiter Ed + on an A4 page write about your focus country and festival(s) and also create #1 board game idea (based on an existing game).

Thu 06/09 >> Tidy up and complete Criterion A and also create #2 board game idea and outline on one A4 page​

Fri 07/09 >> CRITERION B: DEVELOPING IDEAS >> Create #3 board game idea and outline on one A4 page and work on website (report) section B Develop a list of success criteria for the solution


Mon 10/09 >> CRITERION B: DEVELOPING IDEAS >> Draw a detailed design of the best idea for a board game and present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others on website

Wed 12/09 >> CRITERION B: DEVELOPING IDEAS >> create a planning drawing/diagram which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution and complete process journal section B and self-assess​

Thu 13/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create a detailed plan

Fri 14/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game


Wed 19/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game (and Mr Watson assesses A and B)​

Thu 20/09 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> outline simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution

Fri 21/09 >>CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game 

Wed 26/09 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- create your game 
Thu 27/09 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> Testing Day... we play your board game


Mon 01/10 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> Testing Day... we play your board game​

Wed 03/10 >> Student work on Process Journal Website and 6 students (listed below) play boardgames.

Thu 04/10 >> MAP TEST

Fri 05/10 >> CRITERION D: EVALUATING >> anaylse the results (google forms/feedback) and Mr Watson will explain how to prepare Criterion D

WED 10/10 >> CRITERION C: CREATING THE SOLUTION -- MR Watson will explain how to complete Criterion C process journal and Mr Watson will assess student work

THUR 11/10 >> Students work on process journal website and Mr Watson will assess

FRI 12/10 >> Students work on process journal website and Mr Watson assess

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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