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Heatwave PSA

Graphic Design ~ Poster Design

Students create a Poster for Keiro No Hi

Unit title: Heatwave
Year: 9
Unit duration: 8 weeks

Problem: During the summer months in 2018, Japan sadly lost many lives from the heatwave. 


Design Brief: With Keiro no Hi (Respect for the Aged Day) approaching, your task is to design a PSA poster that raises awareness of the dangers of heatwaves and increase the measures that people can take to decrease the number of deaths, with the target audience being the elderly.


Design Specifications: Your PSA poster must:

  • have a target audience is the elderly, however, your target audience can be directed at young people who can share information with the elderly

  • have a direct link with Keiro no Hi

  • be A4 profile poster

  • skillfully use text and images

  • be well designed and attractive

  • be informative

  • be persuasive


Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit:

  • Communication skills

  • Thinking skills

  • Research skills


Unit Inquiry Statement: Public Service Announcements are an effective way to influence and a culture, community and an individual, especially when directly linked to a cultural event.


Inquiry: Global Context Communities Innovation Invention personal and cultural expression


Inquiry Questions


  • What is a heatwave?

  • How many people have been directly and indirectly affected from the high number of deaths in Japan from the 2018 heatwave?

  • What is Keiro no Hi – Respect for the Aged Day



  • Can a PSA have an impact?

  • What makes a great poster great?



  • Can deaths from a heatwave be prevented?


Key Concept: Communication


Related Concept(s): Sustainability


Global Context: Personal & Cultural Expression





Class Activities TIMELINE


MON 27/08 >> A ~ Research - Create several posters using the Fibonacci Design Layout

WED 29/08 >> A ~ Research - Create one Learner Profile Poster A4 using the Fibonacci Design Layout

FRI 31/08 >> A ~ Research - Research Heatwave and write report

MON 03/09 >> A ~ Research - Research Keiro no Hi and write report

WED 05/09 >> JUPITER ED login and submit URL of process journal + B ~ Ideas #1 poster idea

THUR 06/09 >> Mr Watson checked all process journal websites and graded on JUPITER ED

FRI 07/09 >> B ~ Ideas #2 poster idea + tidy up section A on process journal website (check assessment Mr Watson has given you on JUPITER ED)

MON 10/09 >> B ~ Ideas #3 poster idea +  Design #4 the best design

WED 12/09 >> B ~ Ideas - justify the best choice, explain, write a report and self-assess

FRI 14/09 >> C ~ Create (make a plan) and start creating your poster

WED 19/09 >> C ~ Create your poster + Mr Watson assesses Criterion A and B on JUPITER ED

FRI 21/09 >> C ~ Create your poster and HANG POSTERS 

WED 26/09 >> D ~ Evaluate ~ create a google form (test) + HANG POSTERS

MON 01/10 >> MAP test

WED 03/10 >> MAP test 

FRI 05/10 >> D ~ Evaluate ~ create a google form (test) + HANG POSTERS

WED 10/10 >> D ~ Evaluate ~ send test (questionnaire) to students and anaylse the results Mr Watson will explain how to write section E report)

FRI 12/10 >> C ~ Create ~ a Create section of process journal written (Mr Watson will explain how to write CREATE C section in class)

MON 15/10 >> C and D ~  HOME PAGE UPDATE + students edit and improve their process journal report and Mr Watsons assesses

WED 17/10 >> C and D ~ students edit and improve their process journal report and Mr Watsons assesses

FRI 19/10 >> end of unit party or keep working on process journal OR end of unit exam OR end of unit reflection OR keep working on process journal

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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