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Design ~ Marketing

Students create a Persuasive Kickstarter Campaign

Unit title: Kickstarter
Year: 9
Unit duration: 8 weeks


Service Learning Unit

Problem: There are many good causes that need funding and support.


Design Brief: Students will choose a cause and, in the style of a kickstarter campaign, create a pitch for students, staff and parents to increase finance/awareness/action. 


Design Specifications: Your Kickstarter Campaign must:

  • have a specific target audience

  • have a specific target to reach (e.g. $2,500)

  • have a specific timeline

  • feature an excellent persuasive video

  • have a return for people who donate

  • feature excellent photos

  • be informative

  • be persuasive


Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit:

  • Communication skills

  • Thinking skills

  • Research skills


Statement of Inquiry: Businesses and groups need strategies and systems to promote themselves and with a great product + message and utilising high technology, people can gain a competitive edge.


Primary Resource:


Inquiry Questions


  • What is a kickstarter campaign?

  • What group/product/cause will I promote?

  • What does my cause/product/group need help with?



  • Why do certain products/groups become popular and others do not?

  • How does one persuade?​


Key Concept: Development


Related Concept(s): Collaboration + Innovation + Markets and Trends


Global Context: personal and cultural expression



Class Activities - Timeline


Monday 22/04/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Create a new website that has a Home Page (with details and information about the Unit and who you are) + four pages (Criterion A | Criterion B | Criterion C | Criterion D).



Tuesday 23/04/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Create a new website that has a Home Page (with details and information about the Unit and who you are) + four pages (Criterion A | Criterion B | Criterion C | Criterion D).


Friday 26/04/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Explore and Explain KICKSTARTER (Secondary Research) + Explain how to make an effective kickstarter campaign and find examples (Secondary Research) and create a report in Google Slides OR Powerpoint OR Keynote. Mr Watson will assess Crition C and D from PE Uniform Unit


|| Holiday ||



Tuesday 07/05/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Explore your core/who are you/ what motivates you by doing an online test(s):



For example - here's what I discovered:

After doing an online test I discovered my personality is INFJ - Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.



Brainstorm and create a list of causes that "pushes your buttons".

For example - here's a list I created:

  • }} This is a great organisation that helps kids with food and education. I lived in Cambodia for 2 years and there's significant poverty there and this organisation really helps kids in need.

  • kids }} Kids caught in war really hurt me and I realised this last week when I visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. 

  • }} A staggering 5 million children are in need of urgent and ongoing humanitarian assistance as Syria’s brutal war enters its eighth long year. Half of Syria’s children have grown up knowing nothing but conflict, in areas that aren’t safe for anyone, much less vulnerable children.

  • }} It shocks me that every day, more of our planet’s ecosystems are destroyed and I really wants to help stop habitat loss before it begins.

  • }} I love nature and this group really inspires me.

  • }} It really disturbs me the idea of kids being hurt and I want to help keep children safe from harm.

  • }} I lived in China for 7 years and work closely with this organisation and they do such wonderful work.


Share your results and thoughts on your and create a report in Google Slides OR Powerpoint OR Keynote (primary and secondary research)



Friday 10/05/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Secondary Research ~ Part 1 -- Consider how to persuade people by watching The Science of Persuasion and list the main points of this video in your {Google Slides OR Powerpoint OR Keynote} and then draw some connection with persuasion and kickstarter projects and write a paragraph about the connections. Part 2 -- Watch the video Top 5 Tips for Making a Kickstarter Video and list the tips and your discoveries in your {Google Slides OR Powerpoint OR Keynote}.




Monday 13/05/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ Generate and Kickstarter Campaign outline for a Cause. This is Idea # 1 and you need to include this in your Design Cycle website. Cause Focus is XXX and the campaign I will run will be YYY. if you are stuck for ideas - focus on


Tuesday 14/05/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ Generate and Kickstarter Campaign outline for a Cause. This is Idea # 2 and you need to include this in your Design Cycle website. Cause Focus is XXX and the campaign I will run will be YYY (if you are stuck for ideas - focus on this CAUSE and take ideas from this campaign


Friday 17/05/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ Generate and Kickstarter Campaign outline for a Cause. This is Idea # 3 and you need to include this in your Design Cycle website. Cause Focus is XXX and the campaign I will run will be YYY. (if you are stuck for ideas - focus on OR and take ideas from this campaign


Monday 20/05/2019 ~ MAP TEST


Tuesday 21/05/2019 ~ Criterion B ~


Part 1 - BEST IDEA Cause Focus is XXX and the campaign I will run will be YYY. Explain it, in detail with diagrams. Justify your choice, with a written paragraph &/or bullet points.


Part 2 - Create a Criterion B Section in your Google Slides OR Powerpoint OR Keynote and then add your THREE IDEAS (images and explanations) and then identify your BEST IDEA (explain the main features and justify why it is the best idea


Friday 24/05/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Create your campaign (Mr Watson Will check SLIDE SHOW and give feedback) 


Monday 27/05/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Create your campaign (build your website)

Tuesday 28/05/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Create your campaign (FILM and EDIT) 

Friday 31/05/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Create/Improve your campaign


Monday 03/06/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Test 1 feedback (peers &/or teacher) + edit product

Tuesday 04/06/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Create/Edit your Kickstarter campaign & create feedback forms

Friday 07/06/2019 ~ Criterion D ~ Create/Edit your Kickstarter campaign &/or update process journal (FILM and EDIT and BUILD WEBSITE)


Monday 10/06/2019 ~ TEST 2 Collect Feedback and then analyse feedback and update CRITERION D 

Tuesday 11/06/2019 ~ Work on Process Journal CRITERON C and Mr Watson's Assesses A, B, C and D

Friday 14/06/2019 ~ Reflection Write Report Comment and Mr Watson's Assesses A, B, C and D


End Of Year / Reflection Report

Three/Four Sentences

  1. XXX achieved a good/poor/excellent grade in Design Class and produced work of a HIGH/GOOD/FAIR standard.

  2. XXX's best work in Design was ZZZ where they created a JJJJJ and this demonstrated effective use of the ATL skill(s) of ccc, bbbb and ddd.

  3. Significant development/ growth/ learning occurred in the area of (ATL) skill and this was demonstrated in the KKKK project

  4. Overall a great year and wish him/her the very best in _____ grade and beyond. 




  • Communication. Communication. Social. Collaboration.

  • Self-management. Organization. Affective. Mindfulness.

  • Emotional management. Self-motivation. Perseverance. Resilience.

  • Reflection. Research. Information literacy and Academic Honesty. Media literacy and Academic Honesty.

  • Thinking. Critical thinking. Creative thinking. Transfer.

More details about ATL skills for REPORT CARD COMMENTS:

  • Thinking Skills - (Acquisition of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, dialectical thought and metacognition)

  • Collaboration Skills - (accepting responsibility, respecting others, cooperating, resolving conflict, group-decision making, adopting a variety of group roles)

  • Communication Skills - (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, presenting, non-verbal communication)

  • Self-Management Skills - (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, spatial awareness, organisation, time management, safety, healthy life style, codes of behaviour and informed choices.)

  • Research Skills - (Formulating questions, observing, planning collecting, organising and interpreting data and presenting research findings)




Monday 17/06/2019 ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||

Tuesday 18/06/2019 ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||

Friday 21/06/2019 ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||




Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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