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Music x Design IDU

Design and Build a Music App

Digital Design - Build an App that features SOUND

Unit title: Music X Design Collaboration ~ Build a Music App
Year: 8, 9 and 10
Unit duration: 8 weeks


Timeline: here


Problem: Students in Grade 6 and 7 are struggling to learn how to play stringed instruments (i.e. guitar and ukulele) and have a limited appreciation of music. 


Design Brief: Create an App for Grade 6 and 7 students that showcases stringed instruments and increases appreciation for expressive and creative merits of stringed instruments.


Design Specifications: Your app must:

  • Include 6 original school bell sounds with garageband - that your created:

    • 3 x sounds for the end of lesson that features stringed instruments 

    • 3 x sounds for the start of lesson that features stringed instruments 

  • Include 6 school bell sounds, by editing popular songs - that you edited:

    • 3 x sounds for the end of lesson

    • 3 x sounds for the start of lesson

  • Include 3 short videos of you playing/demonstrating/teaching 3 chords on either guitar or ukelele - these videos need to be in the style of a how-to training video

  • Have a coherent style and theme (colour choice, images, font, layout features) that is appropriate for the target audience

  • Include a short video - you will create an original soundtrack, for one of a selection of short films that will be provided, that matches the mood and style of the film and has, at some point, a segment of music played by you and any instrument

  • Include a quality voice recording of you discussing one particular song. In your podcast/recording you will discuss the impact that this song has on you personally and also discuss key elements of the song and the moods conveyed and presents an excellent critique of the artwork


Key Concept: Development

Related Concept(s):​ Evaluation + Function

Global Context: orientation in space and time


Statement of Enquiry: Successful products and services are initiatives that are created to function for a specific purpose and target audience and truly exceptional products and services tend to feature elements of personal expression.



Create a soundtrack for this video

Class Activities



Tuesday 07/5/2019 ~ Design ~ Reflection of Last Unit + Mr Watson Assesses Last Unit 


Tuesday 07/05/2019 ~ Music


Wednesday 08/05/2019 ~ Design ~ [Citerion A] ~ Create a new wix website as process journal with four pages


Friday 10/05/2019 ~ Design ~ [Citerion A] ~ Investigate how to make an APP and write a 300-500 word report about your discoveries. This is a secondary research activity and needs to go into your new website, on the Criterion A page.


Step One ~ Brainstorm Research Questions

Step Two ~ Create a subheading in your website, on the Criterion A page, called All About Creating APPs (Secondary Reseach)

Step Three ~ Research and find good information and put into your report (be sure to cite your sources) on your new website in Criterion A. 


Monday 13/05/2019 ~ Music ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ Step 1 RESEARCH HOW TO VIDEO; Step 2 RECORD your video (get a variety of camera angles (e.g. close up, extreme close up, wide angle and side video)).


Tuesday 14/5/2019 P3 ~ Design ~ [Citerion A] Step 1 Research How To Use GarageBand and Step 2 Find song(s) for your school bell for this component of your APP:

  • Include 6 school bell sounds, by editing popular songs - that you edited:

    • 3 x sounds for the end of lesson

    • 3 x sounds for the start of lesson


Tuesday 14/05/2019 P4 ~ Music ~ RECORD your video footage of HOW TO VIDEO "How To Play A Guitar"


Wednesday 15/05/2019 P7 ~ Design ~ (ICT Room) ~ [Citerion C] Create 1 x SCHOOL BELLS using LOOPS with GarageBand (Pop Music Editing) in ICT Lab


Friday 17/05/2019 P5~ Design ~ iPad ~ [Citerion C] iPad lesson - GarageBand Create 6 x New SCHOOL BELLS (With LOOPS). (iPads Available)


Monday 20/05/2019 P1~ MAP TEST


Tuesday 21/5/2019 P3 ~ Design ~ [Citerion B] Generate 3 APP Design Ideas (layout with paper and pencil)


Tuesday 21/05/2019 P4 ~ Music ~ RESEARCH songs and choose a song for your review and prepare the script for your SONG REVIEW PODCAST/AUDIO. Some good resources:

  • - this is a podcast all about hwo musician write, create and record song. The content is very interesting, but also the actual podcast is an excellent example of a quality podcast (recording voices, structure, editing, etc.)

  • this podcast talks in great detail about songs of one particular artist.


Wednesday 22/05/2019 P7 ~ Design ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ from the 8 films - chose 3 and generate 3 SOUNDTRACK FOR FILM ideas - RECORD your SONG REVIEW PODCAST/AUDIO in ICT Lab


Friday 24/05/2019 P5 ~ Design ~ [Citerion B] Decide on the BEST APP Design idea and BEST SOUNDTRACK FOR FILM idea and justify. Complete Criterion B for assessment. UPDATE PROCESS JOURNAL Criterion B. Three Ideas and best ideas for both APP and SOUNDTRACK FOR FILM


Monday 27/05/2019 P1 ~ Music ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ Edit HOW TO VIDEO footage in ICT Lab iMovie


Tuesday 28/5/2019 P3 ~ Design ~ [Citerion C] ~ Create your APP

Step One - Research Free App Builders

Step Two - build your app.


Best App Builder Found: 

AppInstitute’s online App Builder platform offers an easy to use drag and drop interface, multiple professional design templates and powerful add-ons from loyalty to booking modules. The free plan only lets you build and test apps. You need a paid subscription if you choose to publish on app stores.


Tuesday 29/05/2019 P4 ~ Music ~ [Citerion C] ~ COMPOSE and RECORD your SOUNDTRACK FOR FILM


Wednesday 30/05/2019 P7 ~ Design ~ [Citerion C] ~ COMPOSE and RECORD your SOUNDTRACK FOR FILM in ICT Lab


Friday 31/05/2019 P5 ~ Design ~ [Citerion C] ~ Create your APP with either AppInstitute’s online App Builder OR create a new WIX WEBSITE (but be sure to edit in "MOBILE" view. (iPads Available and 


Monday 03/06/2019 P1 ~ Music ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ SONG REVIEW PODCAST/AUDIO 


Tuesday 04/06/2019 P3 ~ Design ~ [Citerion C] - Update Process Journal OR catch up and any missing elements << Mr Watson will Assess Criterion B >>


Tuesday 04/06/2019 P4 ~ Music ~ SONG REVIEW PODCAST/AUDIO or HOW TO VIDEO or BUILD APP


Wednesday 05/06/2019 P7 ~ Design ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ [Citerion C] iMovie SOUNDTRACK FOR FILM or SCHOOL BELLS  or BUILD APP in ICT Lab


Friday 07/05/2019 P5 ~ Design ~ [Citerion C] SONG REVIEW PODCAST/AUDIO or HOW TO VIDEO or BUILD APP


Monday 10/06/2019 P1 ~ Music ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ SOUNDTRACK FOR FILM or SCHOOL BELLS  or BUILD APP in ICT Lab


Tuesday 11/06/2019 P3 ~ Design ~ [Citerion D] GRADE 6 and 7 Design Class - TEST and collect data/feedback and PROCESS JOURNAL Criterion D addressed.


Tuesday 11/06/2019 P4 ~ Music ~ Assessment (Self/Peer/Teacher) and students write report card comments


Wednesday 12/06/2019 P7 ~ Design ~ (IN ICT Room) ~ Update Process Journal SECTION C and update app or components of the APP 


Friday 14/06/2019 P5 ~ Design ~ Mr Watson assesses work and Students write REPORT COMMENTS <<Mr Watson Assesses Criterion A, B, C and D >>


Monday 17/06/2019 P1 ~ Music ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||

Tuesday 18/06/2019 P3 ~ Design ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||


Reflection Write Report Comment and Mr Watson's Assesses A, B, C and D


End Of Year / Reflection Report

Three/Four Sentences

  1. XXX achieved a good/poor/excellent grade in Design Class and produced work of a HIGH/GOOD/FAIR standard.

  2. XXX's best work in Design was ZZZ where they created a JJJJJ and this demonstrated effective use of the ATL skill(s) of ccc, bbbb and ddd.

  3. Significant development/ growth/ learning occurred in the area of ____ (name an ATL skill) this year and this was demonstrated in the KKKK project

  4. Overall a great year and wish him/her the very best in _____ grade and beyond. 




  • Communication. Communication. Social. Collaboration.

  • Self-management. Organization. Affective. Mindfulness.

  • Emotional management. Self-motivation. Perseverance. Resilience.

  • Reflection. Research. Information literacy and Academic Honesty. Media literacy and Academic Honesty.

  • Thinking. Critical thinking. Creative thinking. Transfer.

More details about ATL skills for REPORT CARD COMMENTS:

  • Thinking Skills - (Acquisition of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, dialectical thought and metacognition)

  • Collaboration Skills - (accepting responsibility, respecting others, cooperating, resolving conflict, group-decision making, adopting a variety of group roles)

  • Communication Skills - (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, presenting, non-verbal communication)

  • Self-Management Skills - (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, spatial awareness, organisation, time management, safety, healthy life style, codes of behaviour and informed choices.)

  • Research Skills - (Formulating questions, observing, planning collecting, organising and interpreting data and presenting research findings)




Tuesday 18/06/2019 P4 ~ Music ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||

Wednesday 19/06/2019 P7 ~ Design ~ (ICT Room is available) ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||

Friday 20/06/2019 P5 ~ Design ~ || Reflection || School Trip ||

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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