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Bi MYP DESIGN - How to get top marks!

Writer's picture: @lukewatsonteach@lukewatsonteach

IB MYP Design Criterion B Strand I Explained

B i. develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research
  • Start by writing a list (5-10) of Design Specifications, then convert the list to a detailed list

  • Explain what each Design Specifications (use examples, images &/or descriptions)

  • Explain why each Design Specification was chosen (emphasise why each particular Design Specification is important and this can be done by linking to primary &/or secondary research)

  • Identify who, when and how each Design Specification will be measured/tested/judged when the product is completed. Explain - What is successful and what is unsuccessful? (e.g. rating from 0-5 and will be tested by the client (0 - very bad; 1 - poor; 2- satisfactory; 3 - good; 4 - very good; 5 - excellent))

  • Present this information in a table or a bullet point list (so it can be copied and used in Criterion B ii, B iii, B iv, C iv, D i, D ii & D iii)

  • Connect to Criterion A Strand iii (Analysis Tools used)

  • If you need guidance perhaps use ACCESSFMM as your guide:

    • Aesthetics - Consider appearance, style, colour, shape/form, texture, pattern, finish, layout, etc..

    • Cost - Is there a maximum cost? Is this a material cost/time cost/selling cost?

    • Customer/ Client - Who it is for? What is the target user’s age, gender, socio-economic background, etc.?

    • Environmental considerations - Where will the solution be used? How will the design directly or indirectly affect the environment?

    • Safety - What safety factors need to be incorporated into the design?

    • Size - Are there any specific sizes that need to be considered? What “human factors” need to be considered? What anthropometric data needs to be considered?

    • Form & Function - What it must do? What is its purpose? Where will the product be stored? How easily can it be used/maintained?

    • Manufacturing - What resources are available? Are there limitations as to how this can be created? How much time is needed to create the design?

    • Materials - What materials are available? What properties do the materials need to have

A video to explain how to get an 8 for Design Criterion B Strand i (below)

Differentiation & Assessment

Criterion B Strand i

0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors

1-2 >> The student lists some basic design specifications for the design of a solution

3-4 >> The student lists some design specifications, which relate to the success criteria for the design of a solution

5-6 >> The student develops design specifications, which outline the success criteria for the design of a solution

7-8 >> The student develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research

Criterion B Differentiation

i. The student (lists some basic --> lists some --> develops --> develops detailed) design specifications for the (design of a solution --> design of a solution based on the analysis of the research)

Images Related to DESIGN BI (below)

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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