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BIII MYP DESIGN: How to get a score of 8 for Criterion B Strand III

Writer's picture: @lukewatsonteach@lukewatsonteach

How to get a TOP MARKS for Criterion B Strand III

Criterion B Strand iii. presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification

  • Link to Bii - decide on your best idea (with help from peers/client)

  • Provide a clear image of the very best design idea, which clearly shows the details and features of the products

  • Present your chosen design and highlight details such as colour, form, texture, proportion, how the solution functions, fonts, layout and how the solution is used (UX).

  • Copy your Design Specification list (Criterion B i) and explain how each design specification is met by your best design and justify how the chosen design satisfies the specification

  • Justify - persuade the reader that this design is the very best design and this can be done by:

    • comparing to worse ideas​

    • get a quote from your client/target audience - feedback is a vital source for selecting a design to take forward for prototyping

    • collect data (survey)​ that relates to the design specifications



expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art.

Criterion B STrand III Video (below)

Criterion B Assessment

Criterion B Strand iii

0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors

1-2 >> The student presents one design, which can be interpreted by others

3-4 >> The student justifies the selection of the chosen design with reference to the design specification

5-6 >> The student presents the chosen design and justifies its selection with reference to the design specification

7-8 >> The student presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification

Criterion B Differentiation

Criterion B Strand iii

iii. The student (does not justify --> justifies --> presents and justifies --> presents and justifies fully and critically justifies) the selection of the chosen design with (reference --> detailed reference) to the design specification

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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