A flipped classroom is an alternative learning environment where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school with guidance from the teacher. Office 365 Streams is a wonderful tool to help make this learning experience a reality for students and teachers alike.
Flipped Classroom Tool = Office 365 Streams
As a Technology Coach, this is how I would model the Flipped Classroom pedagogical concept and Office 365 Stream technology to teachers.
Fundamentally by using the tool to explain how the tool works and with flipped classroom at the content. FIRST - I would create a video that explains how, why, when I use Office 365 Streams and what it is used for and what it is not used for. The video I would create would be approximately three minutes long and at the end of the video I would have a task for the colleagues to do (TASK = find a video online that explains flipped classroom and load video to Office 365 Streams OR create your own video that explain flipped classrooms and load to Office 365 Streams). SECOND - I would then schedule a meeting with my colleagues and would explain that prior to the meeting each person needs to have share their video on Office 365 Streams (one they found or created) with the group. THIRD - at the meeting we would share about the experience and brainstorm ways colleagues could use flipped classroom and Office 365 Streams in the teaching practice.
As a middle school teacher, this is how I would investigate this tool collaboratively with students.
Office 365 Streams could be used at the preliminary research stage of a project. Students, with a partner, could create a short video that explains a concept that relates to the class unit/project and upload to Office 365 Streams for the classmates to see. There could be a session where concept videos are watched by peers and collaboratively concepts are connected and understanding is built and presented (as a posters, mindmap, bullet points or padlet).
As teacher and technology coach, I would use this tool to promote digital citizenship in the following ways.
With students creating videos and sharing on Office 365 Streams there will be an opportunity to address and promote Digital Citizenship. In particular, students can develop understanding and awareness concerning how to recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
Office 365 Streams and Flipped Classrooms has the potential to transform learning by:
English Second Language students can pause, rewatch videos and this will help them grasp the language and access the lesson at their own pace. Moreover, Streams offers subtitles - so students can also read along.
Students can watch the lesson at a time that suits them best and rewatch whenever needed.
Teachers will not need to repeat instructions and lessons over and over and over again… instead they can direct students to watch the video.
Teachers can use class time for helping individuals, scaffolding and supporting learner needs and less time giving class instructions and lessons.
Teachers can share videos with people in their department and use their time more effective.
During COVID-19 shut-downs Office 365 Streams is a wonderful tool for online learning.
Flipped Classroom and Office 365 Streams, when used effectively can address these ISTE Standards
2a - Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world. By students considering what, where and who to share with videos they create &/or have access to.
2b - Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices. By students commenting in videos they view &/or create and post.
2c - Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property. By students considering what images, sounds, video that they can use when editing and also by attributing copyright to their own work.
2d -Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online. By students considering what they share and where they share.
3c - Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property. By both students and teachers creating, editing and sharing videos online.
3d - Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity and protect student data privacy. By teacher creating, editing and sharing videos online.