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For Whom The Bell Tolls 

Exploration of Sound

Make new school bell tones

Unit title: For Whom The Bell Tolls 
Year: 8
Unit duration: 8 weeks


Problem: Staff and students have had enough of our school bell tones and they need to change!


Design Brief: Your task is to create a series of sounds to be used as the school bell. 


Design Specifications: Create five tones and each tone must:

  • evoke a mood that matches the time of day/transition

  • be pleasant

  • be simple (not busy, nor complicated)

  • be subtle

  • evoke positive feelings

  • be smooth

  • be unobtrusive

  • be suitable for all stakeholders

  • be an .mp3

  • be of high sound quality

Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit
Thinking skills
Communication skills


Refection Task: Watch The 4 ways sound affects us and write a 300-400 word reflection

Video URL:


Here are some stimulating questions to guide your reflection:

  • What are my first thoughts about this TED talk?

  • What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while watching this TED talk? About myself? About others?

  • What were some of my most powerful learning moments about this TED talk and what made them so?

  • What is the most important thing I learned personally from watching this TED talk?

  • What are your thoughts about communication after watching this TED talk?

  • What are your thoughts about sound after watching this TED talk?

  • What are your thoughts about risk-taking after watching this TED talk?

  • What are your thoughts about videos after watching this TED talk?   

  • What are your thoughts about problem-solving after watching this TED talk?    

  • What are your thoughts about emotions after watching this TED talk?    â€‹

Class Activities TIMELINE


Thursday 2/11/2018 >> By the end of this lesson student will record their own voice reading a short clean/funny joke.


Friday 3/11/2018 >> Students will play their voice recording to the class and the recording will be examined for sound quality. Playback must be via the new ICT Lab Speakers.


Monday 5/11/2018 >> Students will play their voice recording to the class and the recording will be examined for sound quality. Playback must be via the new ICT Lab Speakers. 


Wednesday 7/11/2018 >> Students rerecord a joke with better techniques and skills with an aim to capture sound of the highest quality. Student take the best sound file and save in a place for future use.


Thursday 8/11/2018 >> PARENTS DAY - (1) search the internet for sound files and download laughter files (2) Find what sound editing software you have on your computer or the school's computer (3) Use sound editing software to improve the quality of your joke + Use sound editing software to add laughter at the end of the joke. (Audacity, Garageband, WavePad Audio Editing Software and Ashampoo Music Studio are some free software you may use) 


Friday 9/11/2018 >> Use sound editing software, and with a partner, create 20 new school bells for HJIS. (Audacity, Garageband, WavePad Audio Editing Software and Ashampoo Music Studio are some free software you may use). Our focus is getting familiar with SOUND EDITING software, using sound files and connecting sound to emotion.


Monday 12/11/2018 >> Use sound editing software, and with a partner, create 20 new school bells for HJIS. (Audacity, Garageband, WavePad Audio Editing Software and Ashampoo Music Studio are some free software you may use) Our focus is getting familiar with SOUND EDITING software, using sound files and connecting sound to emotion.


Wednesday 14/11/2018 >> Criterion A - play school bell sounds


Monday 28/01/2019 >> Go to and create a new website. The website needs these two sections [home] [criterion C].


The home page will contain information about this unit of work and details about your self.


The Criterion C section will contain the process of creating your products and the actual product and must have these headings:


  1. My detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources. My plan is detailed enough that my peers would be able to follow to create the solution.

  2. My list of software/hardware and an outline of the excellent technical skills I employed/demonstrated when making the solution.

  3. I followed my plan and created a solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately and here is my product.

  4. As I was making my product I made some changes and improvements to my original concept - here is a list of the changes/improvements that I made and why each change was made.

  5. Assessment:

  • 0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

  • 1-2 >> The student:

    • i. demonstrates minimal technical skills when making the solution

    • ii. creates the solution, which functions poorly and is presented in an incomplete form.

  • 3-4 >> The student:

    • i. constructs a plan that contains some production details, resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan

    • ii. demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making the solution

    • iii. creates the solution, which partially functions and is adequately presented

    • iv. outlines changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.

  • 5-6 >> The student:

    • i. constructs a logical plan, which considers time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

    • ii. demonstrates competent technical skills when making the solution

    • iii. creates the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately

    • iv. describes changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.

  • 7-8 >> The student:

    • i. constructs a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

    • ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution.

    • iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately

    • iv. fully justifies changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution



Wednesday 30/01/2019 >> Criterion C - {Headphones Required} In today's lesson:

  • download the songs (shared on google drive) and familiarise yourself with the options

  • download software to allow you to play the songs

  • if needed - convert sound files by using software or an online converter

  • download sound editing software

  • add to your process journal website (Criterion C) by writing about what you did today and your progress and thoughts


Thursday 31/01/2019 >> Criterion C - create/edit 5 sounds .MP3 (sound edit focus - fade in, fade out, compressor, normalise, equaliser and duration)


Friday 01/02/2019 >>  Criterion C - Explore how to insert sounds in WIX + create/edit 5 sounds .MP3


Monday 04/02/2019 >> Criterion C -

  • Write report in WIX and be sure that these components are addressed:

    • My detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources. My plan is detailed enough that my peers would be able to follow to create the solution. ((HEADING = Timeline))

    • My list of software/hardware and an outline of the excellent technical skills I employed/demonstrated when making the solution. ((HEADING = Software & Skills))

    • I created five solutions, which function as intended and are presented appropriately here. ((HEADING = My Five School Bells))

    • As I was making my product I made some changes and improvements to my original concept - here is a list of the changes/improvements that I made and why each change was made. ((HEADING = Changes and Extra Ideas))

  • create/edit 5 sounds .MP3


Wednesday 06/02/2019 >> Criterion C - create/edit 5 sounds .MP3 (Mr Watson will check Process Journal Website of each student and give feedback)


Thursday 07/02/2019 >> Criterion C - Present 5 sounds and write criterion C report


Friday 08/02/2019 >> Criterion C - Present 5 sounds and write criterion C report

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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