Gamification Education
Coding and Scratch
Develop a Computer Games for a Grade 5 student
Unit title: Gamification Education
Year: 8
Unit duration: 8 weeks
Problem: In Grade 5, each student is struggling to develop learning in these areas (Fractions (maths), Matter (science), and/or Research) and this is hindering their progress and making them frustrated.
Design Brief: Your task is to create a computer game, for one particular G5 student, that will help increase their knowledge and understanding of a particular issue they are struggling with in class right now and overcome their struggles with that concept/skill/issue.
Design Specifications: The game you create must:
be created using
be easy to learn
be challenging
be fun
be focussed on the specific needs of your client and address the issues they are having
have clear measure of success (i.e. points)
issues rewards for stages reached
be visually appealing
be playable on iPad &/or a Desktop/Laptop
Key Concept
Related Concept(s)
Global Context
scientific and technical innovation
Statement of Inquiry
Scientific and technical innovation, in particular, through coding and programming technology, enables one to create a product for a target audience to increase their knowledge and influence.
Inquiry Questions
What is programming / coding?
What content is to be delivered through your game?
What skills do I need to personally develop so I can make my product?
How can one influence through a game?
What makes a game enjoyable and addictive?
I coding is an essential skill in the 21st century?
Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit
Thinking skills
Social skills
Communication skills
Reflection Activity about Gaming and Education
Watch this video presented by Gabe Zichermann about how games make kids smarter and respond to these questions:
Identify two reasons why gaming is important for school children
Identify one game and explain what skills a player may increase as a result of playing that game for a significant period of time
Discuss how and why a specific primary class should embrace gaming as part of their weekly timetable
Class Activities
Wednesday 13/02/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Create a new Process Journal Website with for this unit of work. Your new website will contain:
HOME page - with relevant info about you and the unit
CRITERION A page - with a section that explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem for a client/ target audience
Thursday 14/02/2019 ~ FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT V1 (ATL Communication and Thinking) - write a letter to Mr Yavuz Kocak Chuck and Mr Selim Sonmez, persuading them to change the school bell tones. The focus is on a formal, well-written letter that is attractive to the eyes. Before the end of the lesson, upload as a PDF at JUPITER ED. Resources:
Friday 15/02/2019 ~ FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT V2 (ATL Communication and Thinking) Class Tasks:
Edit a friend's letter to Mr Yavuz Kocak Chuck and Mr Selim Sonmez, persuading them to change the school bell tones.
Based on feedback, edit your own letter.
Improve the paragraph(s) (2 or 2 and 3) that provides convincing reasons to change the school bell. The focus is on a formal, well-written letter that is attractive to the eyes. Before the end of the lesson, upload as a PDF at JUPITER ED.
Work on weebly website and be sure that the statement of inquiry, inquiry questions, concepts, global contexts, and/or ATLs visible in your HOME PAGE.
Monday 18/02/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Process Journal:
CRITERION A page - constructs a detailed research plan, which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently
With a Partner - brainstorm about what you need to learn/know/research so you can complete the task "create an educational computer game for grade 5":
2302 + 2309
2303 + 2316
2304 + 2321
2305 + 2326
2306 + 2315
2308 + 2319
2310 + 2325
2311 + 2312
2313 + 2320
2314 + 2323
2322 + 2317 + 2318
Then share your ideas with and identify PRIMARY and SECONDARY Research and classify as HIGH - LOW - MEDIUM IMPORTANCE:
2302 + 2309 AND 2322 + 2317 + 2318
2303 + 2316 AND 2314 + 2323 AND 2311 + 2312
2304 + 2321 AND 2313 + 2320 AND 2305 + 2326
2308 + 2319 AND 2306 + 2315 AND 2310 + 2325
Then add you list to your WEEBLY
Wednesday 20/02/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ 30min of CODE - explore one of these resources and spend 30 minutes coding:
Then write a reflection about your experience in Criterion A section of your process journal weebly website + Mr Watson will assess THE SCHOOL BELL Assignment
Thursday 21/02/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ 30min of CODE - explore one of these resources and spend 30 minutes coding:
Then write a reflection about your experience in Criterion A section of your process journal weebly website
Friday 22/02/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ 30min of CODE - explore one of these resources and spend 30 minutes coding:
Also - play some computers games
Then write a reflection about your (a) coding experience and (b) game playing experience in Criterion A section of your process journal weebly website
Monday 25/02/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ 30min of CODE - explore one of these resources and spend 30 minutes coding:
Also - play some computers games
Then write a reflection about your (a) coding experience and (b) game playing experience in Criterion A section of your process journal weebly website
Mr Watson will assess Criterion A and give feedback.
Wednesday 27/02/2019 ~ Criterion A ~ Process Journal:
analyses a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem in detail
develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research
explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem for a client/ target audience
constructs a detailed research plan, which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently
Mr Watson will assess Criterion A
Thursday 28/02/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ BRAINSTORM
Part 1 (10min) with a partner BRAINSTORM IDEAS for an educational game. Partners will be:
2302 + 2325 + 2318
2303 + 2317
2304 + 2323
2305 + 2320
2306 + 2316
2308 + 2321
2310 + 2326
2311 + 2312
2313 + 2315
2314 + 2319
2322 + 2309
Part 2 (30min) Create a section on your weebly website, on the Criterion B Page, called BRAINSTORM IDEAS and identify and explain a range of educational computer game ideas.
Friday 01/03/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ create a design for a EDUCATIONAL QUIZ like computer game. Puzzle games are perfect for anyone who enjoys solving various problems. These games feature different levels of difficulty, from beginner to advanced, and various games often have simple actions and colored figures. You should play these games several times each week to truly have an impact on your brain. While many parents and teachers complain about video games, there are some great educational games out there that can help with the learning process. Train in a variety of subjects, using games to make learning fun instead of boring. There are testing functions, where you can answer multiple choice questions.
Monday 04/03/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ create a design for an EDUCATIONAL ADVENTURE STYLE GAME. Adventure games are usually single-player games that are set in adventure or fantasy worlds. You can complete various puzzles to different levels of difficulty. The game usually begins with a back narrative of your characters and allows you to understand your specific mission in the match. You have to determine how to complete that task.
Wednesday 06/03/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ create a design for an EDUCATIONAL GAME. While many parents and teachers complain about video games, there are some great educational games out there that can help with the learning process. Train in a variety of subjects, using games to make learning fun instead of boring. There are testing functions, where you can answer multiple choice questions.
Thursday 07/03/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ DECIDE ON THE BEST GAME and make a detailed plan.
Friday 08/03/2019 ~ Criterion B ~ Two Tasks:
Focus on TECHNOLOGY - identify what software/app you will use to build your game and justify Part TWO: you choice.
Focus on tidying up Part TWO: you REPORT for assessment... have these four items been addressed:
develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research
develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others
presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification
develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
Monday 11/03/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game (Mr Watson will assess Criterion A and B)
Wednesday 13/03/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game
Thursday 14/03/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game
Friday 15/03/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game + TEST GAME ONE (present idea work to peers). In small groups show your peers what you are working on and get feedback (9-12 min). Groups will be:
2302 + 2325 + 2318
2303 + 2317 + 2309
2304 + 2323 + 2319
2305 + 2320 + 2315
2306 + 2316 + 2312
2308 + 2321 + 2322
2310 + 2326 + 2311
2313 + 2314
Monday 18/03/2019 ~ Criterion C ~1st Write a Report Card Comment (details below) and upload report comment as a PDF on JUPITER + 2nd Build your Game (Mr Watson away with Talent Quest)
Sentence One - discuss the work you are pleased with, so far this year and mention.
Sentence Two - discuss ATL skill(s) you developed this year so far:
ATL Skills:
Communication. Communication. Social. Collaboration.
Self-management. Organization. Affective. Mindfulness.
Emotional management. Self-motivation. Perseverance. Resilience.
Reflection. Research. Information literacy and Academic Honesty. Media literacy and Academic Honesty.
Thinking. Critical thinking. Creative thinking. Transfer.
Sentence Three - Discuss an ATL skills you need to work on for better success in Design class:
To achieve the next level in XXX
In order to improve my learning and progress, I will XXX
By focusing on developing XXX I will make better progress.
ATL Skills:
Communication. Communication. Social. Collaboration.
Self-management. Organization. Affective. Mindfulness.
Emotional management. Self-motivation. Perseverance. Resilience.
Reflection. Research. Information literacy and Academic Honesty. Media literacy and Academic Honesty.
Thinking. Critical thinking. Creative thinking. Transfer.
Wednesday 20/03/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game (Mr Watson away with Talent Quest)
Friday 22/03/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ TEST ONE Reflection in WIX + Mr Watson assesses any work you wish to be re-assessed.
|| Holidays ||
Tuesday 09/04/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game and TEST GAME TWO
Test game - get four people to view your game and give feedback
Write a paragraph about, based on feedback, how you should change your game to make it better in WIC (Criterion C)
Work on game and make it better
Wednesday 10/04/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game and make improvements based on feedback (Mr Watson away with G11 and G12)
Friday 12/04/2019 ~ Criterion C ~ Build your game + Wix Process Journal Report Criterion C Outline
Tuesday 16/04/2019 ~ Criterion D ~ Build your game + Create questions/feedback forms
Wednesday 16/04/2019 ~ Criterion D ~ Build your game
Friday 19/04/2019 ~ Criterion D ~ Test Day P1 TEST GAME FOUR with Grade 5 Students
Tuesday 23/04/2019 ~ Criterion D ~ TEST GAME SESSION FIVE - Grade 8 students play games and give feedback.
Wednesday 24/04/2019 ~ Wix Process Journal Report D (Mr Watson will talk you through the process journal):
Test Explained
Results of test shared
Test results analysed
Discuss how you could change the game to make is better for (a) target audience and (b) to better match the design specifications
Discuss how your game (and other educational games can have a positive impact)
Friday 26/04/2019 ~ Mr Watson will talk about Criterion C and students will have time to tidy up process journal.
|| Holiday ||
After the Holiday and first lesson back...
Term Reflection (upload to Jupiter - Formative Assessment - info below) + Mr Watson assesses A, B, C and D.
Unit Reflection: Create a SQUARE poster using that features 4 SQUARE images and each image illustrates your progress-learning-growth through each of the four stages of the design cycle in this unit. Upload your square image to JUPITER. Please add this information:
Your Name
Subject Name
Unit Title
Your Grade
A sentence that explains this task