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Social Media Campaign

Digital Media and Social Media

Product Design - Multimedia, Digital Media & Social Media
Technical Skills - Graphic Design & Marketing
Content - Digital Citizenship

Unit Of Work for Design


Unit Title: Social Media Campaign

ATL skills: Social, Communication, Thinking

Design Problem/scenario: Companies are utilizing social media platforms to sell and market their products &/or services on a global scale to target audiences. Nowadays literally any item can be advertised via Instagram, YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, etc. even normal household products. Your challenge is to design and produce a SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN that can maximize the sales of a SPECIFIC PRODUCT &/or SERVICE for a SPECIFIC TARGET AUDIENCE to increase ENGAGEMENT & SALES for a SPECIFIC COMPANY. Your SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN must include, a narrative, follow principles of advertising, and consider the display of the item and a specific market group.

(Criterion A) Inquiring and Analyzing

Lesson 1 ~ 21/08 ~ C iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately

Aims & Objectives:

  • Establish graphic design skills (prior knowledge/skills)

  • Set a goal for Design


Task: Create a Design profile poster that includes:

  • Your Name

  • Your School

  • Professional/Academic Image of Self 

  • List of your hobbies & interests 

  • An Academic Goal for Design this year

  • Definition of "design" 

  • Identify your favourite designer and explain what they designed

  • An inspirational quote about DESIGN 

  • SAVE AS yourname.pdf and submit to ManageBac


Tech Tool: 


Design Specs:

  • A4 dimensions

  • PDF


ATL Skills:

  • Thinking

  • Communication

Lesson 2 ~ 23/08 Criterion A iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research

Aims & Objectives:

  • A (iv) develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research

  • Class Procedures & Rules

  • Digital Citizenship & Digital Society



  • Thinking

  • Communication

  • Organisation



Step One: Design a simple A4 poster (sketch idea on paper) that communicates clearly your thoughts and basic research about one of these concepts (10-20min):

  • Good Students

  • Good Teachers

  • Good Learning Environments


When designing your poster address these points:

  • ALLOW THE RULE OF THIRDS to guide your poster design

  • INCLUDE A POSITIVE MESSAGES in your content & a WHY

  • RESEARCH is needed to understand the RULE OR THIRDS and strengthen your CONTENT

  • TARGET AUDIENCE: MYP students/teachers

  • PURPOSE: To persuade, inspire and instruct MYP students/teachers to be a good student/teacher or create a good learning environment


Step Two: With a partner - share your two posters and look at the CONTENT and DESIGN then create a group of three new posters, with a central theme being GOOD SCHOOLS and with STUDENTS and TEACHERS as the target audience, that covers these three ideas (30-40min):

  • Good Students

  • Good Teachers

  • Good Learning Environments



The Rule of Thirds is the process of dividing an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines. This imaginary grid yields nine parts with four intersection points. When you position the most important elements of your image at these intersection points, you produce a much more natural image. It is also suggested that any horizon is placed on either the top horizontal line or the bottom horizontal line. Off-centre composition is pleasing to the eye because it’s typically where the eyes go first. When there is a subject or object off-centre, it also gives viewers the ability to interact with that space between them. This allows for interpretation and conversation between the subject and the background, as opposed to a fully-centred subject.


The Rule of Thirds is a way to:

  • Use composition techniques that are in line with what’s naturally pleasing to the eye

  • Creatively use negative space

  • Create a conversation between the subject and background


The Rule of Thirds Resources:

Lesson 3 ~ 27/08 ~ Criterion A iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research


  1. Create a new GOOGLE DOC/SLIDE for Criterion A Summative Assessment and share access with and design a TITLE PAGE (10-15min)

  2. Create a poster with GOOGLE SLIDES that promotes THINKING SKILLS for G6 with these design specs (15-20min):

    1. A4 portrait

    2. use this colours scheme 

    3. target audience G6 to encourage and promote better THINKING SKILLS

    4. design layout that "The Golden Ratio is a design concept based on using the Fibonacci sequence to create visually appealing proportions in art, architecture, and graphic design. The proportion, size and placement of one element compared to another creates a sense of harmony that our subconscious mind is attracted to."


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking





Ruler of Thirds and Fibonacci Design Principles​​

Lesson 4 ~ 29/08 ~ Criterion A ii. constructs a detailed research plan, which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently + Criterion A iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research


  1. On your Criterion A doc/slide add this to Criterion A IV (20-30min):

    • Evidence of PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESEARCH regarding DESIGN LAYOUT RULE OF THRIDS and a summary of your analysis of the research

    • Evidence of PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESEARCH regarding DESIGN LAYOUT FIBONACCI/GOLD RATION and a summary of your analysis of the research

    • Evidence of PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESEARCH regarding COLOUR PALETTES and FONTS and a summary of your analysis of the research

    • Make a start on your DESIGN BRIEF & identify the PROBLEM:

      • ​Design Problem/Scenario/Brief: Companies are utilizing social media platforms to sell and market their products &/or services on a global scale to target audiences. Nowadays literally any item can be advertised via Instagram, YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, etc. even normal household products. Your challenge is to design and produce a SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN that can maximize the sales of a SPECIFIC PRODUCT &/or SERVICE for a SPECIFIC TARGET AUDIENCE to increase ENGAGEMENT & SALES for a SPECIFIC COMPANY. Your SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN must include, a narrative, follow principles of advertising, and consider the display of the item and a specific market group.

  2. Create a RESEARCH PLAN (20-30min)

Suggested Research Topics:

  • Types of digital media

  • Characteristics of digital media

  • Immersive digital media

  • Digital media dilemmas

  • Social media types

  • Effective social media campaigns

  • Advertising

  • Persuasion

  • Influence and influencers

  • Graphic Design

  • Photography

  • Typography

  • PSA 

ATL Skills:​

  • Research

  • Collaboration

  • Thinking



Lesson 5 ~ 02/09 ~ Criterion A iii. analyses a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem in detail


  • Analyse Chobani X Aitch collaboration (20-30min)

  • Analyse GoPro Million Dollar Challenge (20-30min)​​

ATL Skills:​

  • Research

  • Digital Literacy

Chobani X Aitch Resources:

GoPro Million Dollar Challenge:

  • GoPro is living proof that social media contests still have staying power. To promote their new HERO9 Black camera, the brand launched its third annual Million Dollar Challenge. This campaign invites GoPro’s fans around the world to share their best, unedited GoPro footage. The winners then receive an equal cut of $1 million from the brand. With over 10.9 million likes on their Facebook page, it’s a no-brainer to leverage the channel for this campaign. Within 80 days, more than 29,000 people from 125 countries submitted their HERO9 Black video clips.

Lesson 6 ~ 04/09 ~ Criterion A iii. analyses a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem in detail


  1. How to Analyse a Social Media Campaign [a iv] (10-20min)

  2. Analyse EARTH DAY social media campaigns (10-20min)​​

ATL Skills:​

  • Research

  • Digital Literacy



Lesson 7 ~ 10/09 ~ Criterion A i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem for a client/ target audience + A iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research


  1. (Ai) Explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem for a client/ target audience (15-20min)

  2. (Ai) & (Aiv) Create a COMPANY PROFILE and identify the PRODUCT/SERVICE (15-20min)

ATL Skills:​

  • Primary & Secondary Research

  • Thinking


iv. develops a basic design brief, which states the findings of relevant research

iv. develops a design brief, which outlines the analysis of relevant research

iv. develops a design brief, which explains the analysis of relevant research
iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research

Resources: Company Profile: What is it & How to Create it?

Lesson 8 ~ 12/09 ~ Criterion A iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research


  1. IDENTIFY THE TARGET AUDIENCE (persona) (10-20min)

  2. SUMMARISE and ANALYSE your research (conclusion) (10-20min)

  3. Develop a DESIGN BRIEF (10-20min)

  4. Convert your Criterion A doc/slide to a PDF and submit (5min)

ATL Skills:​

  • Primary & Secondary Research

  • Thinking




iv. develops a basic design brief, which states the findings of relevant research

iv. develops a design brief, which outlines the analysis of relevant research

iv. develops a design brief, which explains the analysis of relevant research
iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research

DUE DATE for CRITERION A = 12th Sept​​​​​​​

Criterion B

Lesson 1 ~ 16/09 ~ Criterion B i. develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research


  1. Create a new Criterion B document (10-20min)

  2. Create a CLIENT PERSONA (10-20min)

  3. Create a list of DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS (10-20min)

ATL Skills:​

  • Primary & Secondary Research

  • Thinking

Design specification themes to address:

  • overarching goal (design brief)

  • specific social media metrics

  • form

  • function

  • social media platform(s)

  • multi-media (identify audio, image, animation, picture &/or video)

  • who/how/when will success be measured

  • aesthetic

  • safety (digital citizenship)

  • software/hardware required

  • comparison product

  • time


i. lists some basic design specifications for the design of a solution

i. lists some design specifications, which relate to the success criteria for the design of a solution

i. develops design specifications, which outline the success criteria for the design of a solution

i. develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research

Lesson 2 ~ 18/09 Criterion B ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Create a MOODBOARD with an A3 GOOGLE SLIDE (20-30min)

  2. Sketch 5-10 basic ideas on PAPER (20-30min)

ATL Skills:

  • Thinking


ii. presents one design, which can be interpreted by others

ii. presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others

Lesson 3 ~ 20/09 ~ Criterion B ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Sketch on PAPER design idea #1 and annotate (10-20min)

  2. Sketch on PAPER design idea #2 and annotate (10-20min)

  3. COLOUR FOCUS - (10-20min)

  4. PRESENT - Scan and add 2 designs & colour palette to Criterion B (10-20min)

ATL Skills:

  • Thinking


ii. presents one design, which can be interpreted by others

ii. presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others

Lesson 4 ~ 24/09 ~ Criterion B ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Sketch with a DEVICE design idea #3 and annotate (15-20min)

  2. Sketch with a DEVICE design idea #4 and annotate (15-20min)

  3. FONT FOCUS - (15-20min)

  4. PRESENT - add your 2 design and fonts choices to CRITERION B (10-20mn)

ATL Skills:

  • Thinking



ii. presents one design, which can be interpreted by others

ii. presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others

Lesson 5 ~ 26/09 ~ Criterion B ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Sketch 3-6 #EARTHDAY social media campaign design ideas (for the DESIGN exhibition) (30-40min)

  2. Present your #EARTHDAY design ideas with your Criterion A #earthday research and create an A3 poster for the EARTH DAY DESIGN EXPO (10-20min)

ATL Skills:

  • Collaboration

  • Organisation


ii. presents one design, which can be interpreted by others

ii. presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others

Lesson 6 ~ 01/10 ~ Criterion B ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Design idea #5 (10-20min)

  2. Present MOODBOARD and 5 x DESIGN IDEAS (10-20min)

  3. Collect feedback on your DESIGN IDEAS from peers (10-20min)

    • PEERS score/grade each design​

    • PEERS identify the best designs and explain why

ATL Skills:

  • Collaboration

  • Organisation


ii. presents one design, which can be interpreted by others

ii. presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others

ii. develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others

Lesson 7 ~ 03/10 ~ Criterion B iii. presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification


  1. Update DESIGN SPECIFICATION LIST (strand i) (10-20min)

  2. Recreate (in detail) and annotate (in detail with design specs) your BEST IDEA and PRESENT (30-40min)


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Thinking


iii. justifies the selection of the chosen design with reference to the design specification

iii. presents the chosen design and justifies its selection with reference to the design specification

iii. presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification

Lesson 8 ~ 07/10 ~ Criterion B iii. presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification


  1. Justify your choice based on feedback from the client (20-30min)

  2. Justify your choice based on design specifications (20-30min)

  3. Justify your choice based on the design brief (20-30min)


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Thinking


iii. justifies the selection of the chosen design with reference to the design specification

iii. presents the chosen design and justifies its selection with reference to the design specification

iii. presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification

Lesson 9 ~ 09/10 ~ Criterion B iv. develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution


  1. Develop accurate planning drawings & diagrams (60min)


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Thinking


iv. creates incomplete planning drawings/diagrams.

iv. creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

iv. develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

iv. develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution

Lesson 10 ~ 11/10 ~ Criterion B iv. develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution


  1. outline requirements for the creation - link to design specifications (10-20min)

  2. outline requirements for the creation - how to build/produce (10-20min)

  3. Update and submit CRITERION B (10-20min)


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Thinking


iv. creates incomplete planning drawings/diagrams.

iv. creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

iv. develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

iv. develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution

Due Date for Criterion B = 11th Oct

Criterion C

Lesson 1 ~ 22/10 ~ Criterion C i. constructs a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution


  • Create a detailed project plan (60min)

ATL Skills:

  • Self-Management

  • Thinking

  • Communication

25.10 ~ Criterion C 
29.10 ~ Criterion C
31.10 ~ Criterion C
04.11 ~ Criterion C ​
06.11 ~ Criterion C 
11.11 ~ Criterion C | www
13.11 ~ Criterion C | www
15.11 ~ Criterion C | www
20.11 ~ Criterion C 
22.11 ~ Criterion C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution​
26.11 ~ Criterion C iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately
28.11 ~ Criterion C iv. fully justifies changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

Due Date Criterion C = 28th Nov

Criterion D​​

Lesson 1 & 2 & 3 ~ 02.12 & 04.12 & 06.12 ~ Criterion D (i) designs detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution


  • Create an authentic product test

    • create FEEDBACK FORM that addresses - design brief, every design specification, impacts on society and suggested improvement (not google forms, try another free online survey tool)

    • create INTERVIEW QUESTIONS that addresses - design brief, every design specification, impacts on society and suggested improvement



ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Digital Literacy


  • i. designs a (relevant --> detailed and relevant) testing method

Lesson 4 & 5 ~ 13.01 & 07~ Criterion D (ii) critically evaluates the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing


  • Conduct TEST (15-20min)

    • Present product

    • Collect data




  • PRESENT test results (15-20min)

  • CRITICALLY ANALYSE test results (15-20min)


ATL Skills:

  • Collaboration

  • Communication

  • Thinking


  • ii. (states --> outlines --> explains --> critically evaluates) the success of the solution

  • ii. (relevant --> authentic) product testing

Lesson 6 & 7 ~ 09.01 & 13.01 ~ Criterion D (iii) explains how the solution could be improved


  • Explains how the solution could be improved

    • Identify several items (use design specification and test results) that were not "excellent" and then explain how each item could be improved to better meet the needs of each design specification​

ATL Skills:

  • Reflection


  • iii. (outlines --> describes --> explains) how the solution could be improved

Lesson 8 & 9 ~ Mon 16.01 ~ Criterion D (iv) iv. explains the impact of the product on the client/target audience.


  • Explain the impacts your artefact had on your client - revisit the Design Brief and the CLIENT and address the overall impact of your product (20-30min)​

  • Update Criterion D and Submit Criterion D as PDF to ManageBac (20-30min)

ATL Skills:

  • Reflection


  • iv. (outlines --> describes --> explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

Due Date for Criterion D = 17th Jan

Reflection Phase



  • Reflect, Review, Resubmit & Reports

ATL Skills:

  • Self-management

  • Organization

  • Reflection



  • Reflect, Review, Resubmit & Reports


ATL Skills:

  • Self-management

  • Organization

  • Reflection

LAST CHANCE TO RESUBMIT WORK - 17th January is the last day

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