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VEX IQ Robotics

MYP Design Robotics & Coding Unit

Vex IQ MYP Design Unit Outline

Unit/Theme: Robotics ~ Computer Science


Grade Level: 6-9


Problem/ Context: Natural disasters and pandemics can create unsafe situations for humans - robots can be built and programmed to help people in unsafe areas.


Design Brief: In a small team you will design a robot that will help people who are stuck in an unsafe situation and test and analyse the results. Your team will present your design to the CEO of ROBOTICS INC. who is searching for robot design to mass produce and sell to governments and organisations for profit. Your team will present your prototype and make a sales pitch to the CEO of ROBOTICS INC. . Teams will need a Graphic Designer (poster designer), Video Expert (create an advertising video), Computer Science Engineer (coding) and Structural Engineer (build the robotics prototype).



Students will create Design Cycle Reports that documents the four stages of the MYP Design Cycle that demonstrates how they have met the criteria for each stage.


VEQ IQ Project


Criterion A
September 6th & 7th - A i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem


  1. create a new summative assessment google doc for this project (Mr Watson will share the template)

  2. in own words, explain the problem

  3. write a paragraph that justifies the need to solve the problem (statistics, personal, persuade, quotes, images, etc.)

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Self-management 

  • Critical thinking


September 8th & 9th - A i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem


  1. Research about COVID-19 

  2. Research about COVID-19 statistics, charts and graphs relating to Thailand

  3. Research about COVID-19 and impacts on Thailand

  4. Research about COVID-19 on construction sites in Thailand

  5. CREATE an A3 POSTER about COVID-19 in Thailand

ATL Skills:​

  • Communication

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy

September 13th & 14th - A ii. constructs a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently


  1. Create a research plan table

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Self-management 

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy

September 15th & 16th - A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. Work through Python Coding skill challenge(s)

  2. When one challenge has been completed, capture the code and add to your Criterion A document in section (iii) 


ATL Skills:​

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking

  • Self-Organistaion



  • Coding Challenges are set at Levels 1, 2 and 3 depending on each student's skills and experience.

September 17th & 20th - A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. Work through VEXVR Skills - challenges

  2. When one challenge has been completed, capture the code and add to your Criterion A document in section (iii) 

ATL Skills:​​

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking

  • Self-Organistaion


  • Coding Challenges are set at Levels 1, 2 and 3 depending on each student's skills and experience.


September 21st & 22nd - A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. CREATE a 30sec - 90sec short video demonstrating your PYTHON coding skills and VEX VR skills

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Creative thinking

  • Self-Organisation


  • Entry Level - learn how to screen record

  • Extension Level - edit your videos to make a quality production


September 23rd & 24th - A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. Watch videos students created and feedback session (30min)

  2. Add your video to a google drive folder (appendix) and share the link, copy link and insert into criterion A iii with an explanation and comments about your own video (based on all the things you learnt from the feedback session) (25min)

ATL Skills:​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking



  • Entry Level - comment about your own video

  • Extension - comment about your own video, peer videos, a summary of what you have learnt and some research about making videos

September 27th & 28th - A iv. develops a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research


  1. Research - answer your research questions from your RESEARCH TABLE (A II) and present your findings in Criterion A IV (40min)

  2. Summarise your research and write a conclusion about your discoveries in Criterion A IV (10min)

  3. Write a Design Brief at the end of Criterion A IV (5 min)

ATL Skills:​

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy


  • Entry Level - identify 2-3 key topics, research and present information (add URL)

  • Extension - identify all key topics, research present your findings (with MLA citation)


September 29th & 30th - A iv. develops a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research


  1. (10 min)

  2. rewrite, review, edit, tidy up and improve criterion a section I (10min)

  3. rewrite, review, edit, tidy up and improve criterion a section II (10min)

  4. rewrite, review, edit, tidy up and improve criterion a section III (10min)

  5. rewrite, review, edit, tidy up and improve criterion a section IV (10min)

  6. convert criterion a document to a PDF and submit to ManageBac (10min)

ATL Skills:​

  • Communication

  • Self-management 

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking


Criterion A Due Date = September 30th

Criterion B
October 1st & 4th - B i. develops a design specification which outlines the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data collected


  1. Create a new Criterion B Summative Assessment Document

  2. Create a list of DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS key elements

    • Video - Video Expert (create an advertising video) - the video will:

      • be persuasive

      • feature excellent editing

      • feature excellent camera work

      • feature quality sound

      • be engaging

    • Poster - Graphic Designer (poster designer) - the poster will:

      • be persuasive

      • be informative

      • utilise excellent graphic design elements

    • Robot Build - Structural Engineer (build the robotics prototype) - the robot will:

      • be strong a sturdy and able to handle rough terrain and all weather conditions

    • Robot Function - Computer Science Engineer (coding) - the robot will operate as intended

    • Presentation and sales pitch to CEO of ROBOTICS INC. - the group presentation will feature a poster presentation, a video presentation and a demonstration of the robot prototype

  3. Outline the success of each DESIGN SPECIFICATION (who will test and how it will be judged)​

  4. Link to research

ATL Skills:​

  • Critical thinking


  • entry level - list requirements and simple testing method

  • extension - expand the links to research section

October 5th & 6th - B ii. presents a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Sketch and Annotate 2 x Robot design ideas (2 x 25min)

  2. scan and insert 2 ideas in Criterion B II (5min)

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Creative thinking

October 7th & 8th - B ii. presents a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Sketch and Annotate 2 x Robot design ideas (2 x 25min)

  2. scan and insert 2 ideas in Criterion B II (5min)

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Creative thinking

October 11th & 12th & 13th - B ii. presents a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Sketch 2 x Robot Poster design idea OR Sketch 2 x Robot Video Ad design idea (2 x 25min)

  2. scan and insert 2 ideas in Criterion B II (5min)

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

October 14th & 15th (ON CAMPUS) - B ii. presents a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. In groups of 2 or 3 - share your design ideas with a team and collect feedback (15min)

    1. Identify which ROBOT DESIGN is best and why?​

    2. Identify which POSTER DESIGN is best and why?

    3. Identify which VIDEO OUTLINE is best and why?

    4. Rate every poster design and robot design (0-5)

    5. Outline some suggestions to make the designs better

  2. Present peer feedback in Criterion B ii (15min)​

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Creative thinking

October 25th & 26th (ONLINE) - A & B Review, Reflect & Resubmit work


  1. Review your work, Catch Up, Edit, Reflect and Resubmit

ATL Skills:

  • Critical thinking

  • Reflection

October 27th & 28th (ON CAMPUS) - B iii. presents the chosen design and outlines the reasons for its selection with reference to the design specification


  1. QUICK SURVEY - Identify your area(s) of interest ROBOTICS/CODING; VIDEO &/or GRAPHIC DESIGN for more details about each role see below NOV 8th & 9th (10min)

  2. In groups of 2 or 3 (40 min):

    1. Chose and present the BEST ROBOT IDEA

    2. Chose and present the BEST POSTER IDEA

    3. Chose and present the BEST VIDEO IDEA (video inspiration )

    4. Arrange the class into FOUR EVEN TEAMS with a balance of skills, interests, and genders and present

  3. Update your Criterion B iii document (5min)​

ATL Skills:​

  • Creative thinking

  • Communication

  • Collaboration​


  • presents one design

  • presents more than one design idea

  • develops a range of feasible design ideas

October 29th & November 1st (ONLINE) - B iii. presents the chosen design and outlines the reasons for its selection with reference to the design specification


  1. In groups of 2 or 3 (45 min):

    1. Explain, with reference to the design specification, why you chose your BEST ROBOT IDEA

    2. Explain, with reference to the design specification, why you chose your BEST POSTER IDEA

    3. Explain, with reference to the design specification, why you chose your BEST VIDEO IDEA (video inspiration )

    4. Arrange the class into FOUR EVEN TEAMS with a balance of skills, interests, and genders and present

  2. Update your Criterion B document section iii (10min)​

ATL Skills:​

  • Creative thinking

  • Communication

  • Collaboration


  • presents one design

  • presents more than one design idea

  • develops a range of feasible design ideas

November 2nd & 3rd (ON CAMPUS) -  B iv. develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.


  1. NEW TEAM arrangements are presented and the class decides/votes on four even teams (10min)

  2. NEW TEAM assign roles - ROBOTICS/CODING; VIDEO &/or GRAPHIC DESIGN for more details about each role see below NOV 8th & 9th (10min)

  3. NEW TEAM - develop accurate drawings/diagrams of (30min):




  4. ​Update your Criterion B document section iv (5min)​

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking

  • Transfer


  • incomplete planning drawings/diagrams

  • creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements

  • accurate planning drawings/diagrams and lists requirements

  • accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements

November 4th & 5th (ONLINE) - B iv. develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.


  1. Copy the list of DESIGN SPECIFICATION and outline how your group will meet the requirements of every DESIGN SPECIFICATION (30min)




  5. Update your Criterion B document section iv and SUBMIT to MANAGEBACE as a PDF (10min)​

ATL Skills:​​

  • Self-management 

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking


  • incomplete planning drawings/diagrams

  • creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements

  • accurate planning drawings/diagrams and lists requirements

  • accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements

Criterion B Due Date = November 5th

Criterion C
November 8th & 9th (On Campus) - C i. constructs a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution


  1. Create a new Criterion C Summative Assessment Document (5min)

  2. Revisit teams and review (5min)

  3. Assign roles within team (5min)

  4. Create a detailed plan (30min)

  5. Update Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I (5min)

ATL Skills:​​

  • Self-management 

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made


VEXIQ - Team Member Roles:

  • Builder: The student(s)on the team who assemble(s)the robot. 

  • Coach/Lead Strategist: This student will be responsible for making the final decision of what strategy to run during the matches. During the match, the coach will stand with the drivers, acting as their guide for the match. She/he will provide direction for the drivers and ensure that the appropriate strategy is being followed.

  • Designer: The student(s) on the team who design(s) the robot to be built for competition. 

  • Driver(s): Teams will have one or two drivers. These students are responsible for operating the robot during the actual matches. They will take strategic guidance from the coach during the match.

  • Pit Crew: These students will be responsible for fixing, maintaining, and improving the robot between matches. It is their responsibility to ensure that the robot is ready to compete for every match. They will also be in charge of maintaining all spare parts and batteries. Depending on the size of the team, the pit crew should be one or two people. If necessary, drivers can be members of the pit crew.

  • Programmer: The student(s) on the team who write(s) the computer code that is downloaded onto the robot. An adult cannot be the programmer on a team.

N.B. Depending on the size of the team, students can also fulfil multiple roles on a team.

Video Production Key Roles:


    • Producer - The producer initiates, coordinates, supervises, and controls matters such as raising funding, hiring key
      personnel, contracting and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of
      the process from development to completion of a project.

    • Director - The director is responsible for overseeing the creative aspects of a film, including controlling the content
      and flow of the film's plot, directing the performances of actors, selecting the locations in which the film
      will be shot, and managing technical details such as the positioning of cameras, the use of lighting, and
      the timing and content of the film's soundtrack.

    • Screenwriter - Screenwriters or scriptwriters are responsible for researching the story, developing the narrative,
      writing the screenplay, and delivering it, in the required format, to the Producers. They are almost
      always freelancers who either pitch original ideas to Producers in the hope that they will be optioned or
      sold, or who are commissioned by a Producer to create a screenplay from a concept, true story, existing
      screenwork or literary work, such as a novel or short story


    • Director of Photography/Cinematographer - The director of photography is the head of the camera and lighting department of the film. The DoP makes decisions on lighting and framing of scenes in conjunction with the film's director.

    • Camera Operator - The camera operator operates the camera under the direction of the director of photography, or the film director, to capture the scenes on film. Depending on the camera format being used for filming (eg
      film or digital), a director of photography may not operate the camera, but sometimes these two roles
      are combined


    • Production Sound Mixer (Sound Recordist) - The production sound mixer is head of the sound department on set, responsible for recording all sound during filming. This involves the choice of microphones, operation of a sound recording device, and sometimes the mixing of audio signals in real time.


    • Production Designer - Responsible for creating the physical, visual appearance of the film - settings, costumes, props, character makeup.

    • Art Director - Oversees the artists and craftspeople who give form to the production design as it develops.

    • Illustrator - The illustrator creates visual representations of the designs to communicate the ideas imagined by the
      production designer.


    • Film Editor - Assembles the various shots into a coherent film, working closely with the director.

    • Online Editor - When the offline edit is complete, adds visual effects, titles, and applies color correction. Also ensures that the program meets the technical delivery specifications.

    • Colourist - Adjusts the colour of the film to achieve greater consistency.


    • Visual Effects Supervisor - The visual effects supervisor is in charge of the visual effects department.

    • Compositor - A compositor is a visual effects artist responsible for compositing images from different sources such as video, film, computer-generated 3-D imagery, 2-D animations, matte paintings and text.


    • Sound Designer - In charge of the post-production sound of a movie.

    • Dialogue Editor - Responsible for assembling and editing all dialogue in the soundtrack.

    • Sound Editor - Responsible for assembling and editing all sound effects in the soundtrack.

    • Re-recording Mixer - Balances the sounds prepared by the dialogue, music and effects editors.

    • Music Supervisor - Works with the composer, mixers and editors to create and integrate the film's music. Negotiates licensing of the necessary rights for all source music used in a film.

Graphic Design Key Roles:

  • Creative Director

  • Art Director

  • Art Production Manager

  • Brand Identity Developer

  • Visual Image Developer

  • Broadcast Designer

  • Logo Designer

  • Typography

  • Choosing Fonts


N.B. Depending on the size of the team, students can also fulfil multiple roles on a team.​

(Roles adapted from

 and )

November 10th & 11th (Online) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  1. Peer Assess Criterion B (10min)

  2. Self Assess Criterion B (10min)

  3. Create (35min):

    • ROBOT (Establish skill level and set a VEX VR CHALLENGE - be sure to capture the completed task on VIDEO (VEX resources below))

    • POSTER (Graphic Designers develop BRAND = colours scheme, fonts, name of product/group, mascot, logo, style, etc. (GRAPHIC DESIGNER resources below))

    • VIDEO

    • ​Update PLAN (Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I)

Resources for the GRAPHIC DESIGNER:

Resources for the ROBOTICS EXPERTS:

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Creative thinking


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

November 12th & 15th (On Campus) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • Build a ROBOT for ROBOT CHALLENGE #1 around classroom race

  • Create POSTER

  • Create VIDEO​

  • Update PLAN (Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I)


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

November 16th & 17th (Online) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • ROBOT (Establish skill level and set a VEX VR CHALLENGE - be sure to capture the completed task on VIDEO)

  • Create POSTER

  • Create VIDEO

  • Update PLAN (Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I)

TEACHER will assess Criterion B


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

November 18th & 19th (On Campus) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • ROBOT CHALLENGE #1 around classroom race

  • Create POSTER

  • Create VIDEO (capture video footage of the robot race)

  • Update PLAN (Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I)

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Creative thinking​


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

November 22nd & 23rd (Online) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS =  VEXVR Challenges (5-10hrs):

    • Disk Mover Challenge (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Draw a House (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Coral Reef Cleanup (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Castle Color Match (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Robotic Vacuum (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • For each challenge to be awarded points - video evidence must be captured; the actual code (.vrblocks file), a document of the code (PDF) and shared in a google drive

  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS = Build a VEXIQ Robot (5-10hrs): 

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Identify and design BRAND (5-10hrs)

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Create a POSTER (5-10hrs)

  • VIDEO TEAM MEMBERS = Create VIDEO (5-10hrs)

  • Update PLAN (Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I)

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Creative thinking


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

November 24th & 25th (Online & Campus) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS =  VEXVR Challenges (5-10hrs):

    • Disk Mover Challenge (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Draw a House (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Coral Reef Cleanup (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Castle Color Match (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Robotic Vacuum (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • For each challenge to be awarded points - video evidence must be captured; the actual code (.vrblocks file), a document of the code (PDF) and shared in a google drive

  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS = Build a VEXIQ Robot (5-10hrs): 

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Identify and design BRAND (5-10hrs)

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Create a POSTER (5-10hrs)

  • VIDEO TEAM MEMBERS = Create VIDEO (5-10hrs)

  • Update PLAN (Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I)


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

November 26th, 29th & 30th (Online/ On Campus) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS =  VEXVR Challenges (5-10hrs):

    • Disk Mover Challenge (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Draw a House (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Coral Reef Cleanup (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Castle Color Match (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Robotic Vacuum (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • For each challenge to be awarded points - video evidence must be captured; the actual code (.vrblocks file), a document of the code (PDF) and shared in a google drive

  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS = Build a VEXIQ Robot (5-10hrs): 

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Identify and design BRAND (5-10hrs)

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Create a POSTER (5-10hrs)

  • VIDEO TEAM MEMBERS = Create VIDEO (5-10hrs)

  • Update PLAN (Criterion C Summative Assessment Document Strand I)

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Creative thinking​


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

December 1st & 2nd (On Campus) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • Basebot Relay Race (Did not finish 0 Points; 5th & 4th Place 5 points; 3rd Place 10 Points; 2nd Place 15 Points; 1st Place 20 Points)

  • Poster Feedback 

  • Create ROBOT/ CODE

  • Create POSTER

  • Create VIDEO

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Creative thinking


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

December 3rd & 6th (On Campus) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS =  VEXVR Challenges (5-10hrs):

    • Disk Mover Challenge (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Draw a House (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Coral Reef Cleanup (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Castle Color Match (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • Robotic Vacuum (Level One 5 points; Level Two 10 Points; Level Three 20 Points)

    • For each challenge to be awarded points - video evidence must be captured; the actual code (.vrblocks file), a document of the code (PDF) and shared in a google drive

  • ROBOT TEAM MEMBERS = Build a VEXIQ Robot (5-10hrs): 

  • Team Prototype

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Identify and design BRAND (5-10hrs)

  • GRAPHIC DESIGNERS = Create a POSTER (5-10hrs)

  • VIDEO TEAM MEMBERS = Create VIDEO (5-10hrs)

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Creative thinking


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

December 7th & 8th (On Campus) - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution


  • Video Feedback 


  • Create POSTER

  • Create VIDEO

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Creative thinking​


  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

December 9th & 13th (On Campus) - C iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately


  • Create ROBOT/ CODE

  • Create POSTER

  • Create VIDEO

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy



  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

December 14th, 15th & 16th (On Campus) - C iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately & C iv. lists the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.


  • ii Identify SKILLS (see Nov 8 & 9 for a skills list) that you developed and demonstrated and provide evidence

  • iii Present ROBOT, VIDEO & POSTER to CEO for scoring CEO TEST

  • iii Present VEX ROBOT & VEXIQ for scoring ROBOT VEX CHALLENGE TEST

  • iii Present VIDEO and POSTER online for a SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN SOCIAL MEDIA TEST Launch SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN - VIDEO & POSTER to PEERS with an aim to get as many views, likes and re-shares as possible

  • iv Lists changes/adjustments/improvements made when making the product

  • CONVERT Criterion C to a PDF and submit to ManageBac

ATL Skills:​

  • Critical thinking

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 



  • i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

  • i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan --  sufficient for peers to be able to follow)

  • ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

  • iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

  • iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

Criterion C Due Date = December 17th 


Criterion D

Criterion D

January 11th & 12th - D i. describes detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution


  • Present, describe and explain VEXVR CHALLENGE TEST

  • Present, describe and explain VEXIQ CHALLENGE TEST

  • Present, describe and explain SOCIAL MEDIA TEST - Launch SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN - VIDEO & POSTER to PEERS with an aim to get as many views, likes and re-shares as possible

  • Present, describe and explain CEO TEST - Present ROBOT, VIDEO & POSTER to CEO

ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy

Differentiation (command terms):

  • i. designs a (relevant -- detailed and relevant) testing method

  • ii. (states -- outlines -- explains -- critically evaluates) the success of the solution

  • ii. (relevant -- authentic) product testing

  • iii. (outlines -- describes -- explains) how the solution could be improved

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

January 13th & 14th - D ii. explains the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing


  • VIDEO & POSTER day (CEO & students score)

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from VEXVR CHALLENGE TEST

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from VEXIQ CHALLENGE TEST

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from SOCIAL MEDIA TEST

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from CEO TEST



​ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking

Differentiation (command terms):

  • i. designs a (relevant -- detailed and relevant) testing method

  • ii. (states -- outlines -- explains -- critically evaluates) the success of the solution

  • ii. (relevant -- authentic) product testing

  • iii. (outlines -- describes -- explains) how the solution could be improved

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

January 17th & 18th - D ii. explains the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing


  • Clawbot Relay Race (Did not finish 0 Points; 5th & 4th Place 5 points; 3rd Place 10 Points; 2nd Place 15 Points; 1st Place 20 Points)

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from VEXVR CHALLENGE TEST

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from VEXIQ CHALLENGE TEST

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from SOCIAL MEDIA TEST

  • Present, evaluate and explain the results and data from CEO TEST


​ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Critical thinking

Differentiation (command terms):

  • i. designs a (relevant -- detailed and relevant) testing method

  • ii. (states -- outlines -- explains -- critically evaluates) the success of the solution

  • ii. (relevant -- authentic) product testing

  • iii. (outlines -- describes -- explains) how the solution could be improved

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

January 19th, 20th & 21st January  - D iii. describes how the solution could be improved & D iv. describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.


  • iii Describes and explains how the VIDEO could be improved

  • iii Describes and explains how the ROBOT could be improved

  • iii Describes and explains how the POSTER could be improved

  • iv Describe and explain the positive impact your project did/may/could have on the world

  • iv Revisit the PROBLEM - Describe and explain how your product did/may/could solve the PROBLEM

  • iv Revisit the DESIGN BRIEF - Describe and explain how you met the requirement of the DESIGN BRIEF

  • Convert Criterion D Summative Document to a PDF and submit to MangeBac

​ATL Skills:​​

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  • Critical thinking

Differentiation (command terms):

  • i. designs a (relevant -- detailed and relevant) testing method

  • ii. (states -- outlines -- explains -- critically evaluates) the success of the solution

  • ii. (relevant -- authentic) product testing

  • iii. (outlines -- describes -- explains) how the solution could be improved

  • iv. (outlines -- describes -- explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

Criterion D Due Date = January 21st ​

January 24th & 25th 

Reflection, Course & Teacher Feedback, Reports & Re-Submit

January 26th & 27th 

Test, Awards & Reflection

​ISTE Standards for Students
  • 1b Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.

  • 1c Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways..

  • 1d Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

  • 3a Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

  • 3c Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.

  • 3d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

  • 4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

  • 4b Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

  • 4c Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.

  • 4d Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.

  • 5a Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.

  • 5b Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.

  • 5c Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.

  • 5d Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.

  • 6c Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

  • 6d Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

  • 7c Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.

ISTE Standards for Educators
  • 1b Pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks.

  • 4b Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues.

  • 4c Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.

  • 6a Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings

  • 6b Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.

  • 6c Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.

V001 ~ How to Update the VEX IQ Firmware video

vex iq tutorials.png

V002 ~ VR Vex Code Tutorials

V003 ~ VEXcode Using Example Project and Tutorial Video

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