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Virtual Worlds Yokohama

Grade: 10
Unit Duration: 10 weeks

Timeline and Class Guide/Tasks: visit timeline

Statement of Inquiry: Technology can connect and enable exploration of places, periods of time, people, fashion, landmarks and communities.


Problem: G1 students have been exploring the community and significant sites. To enhance their understanding the G1 students have been able to explore the local community, however, due to safety issues and logistics, the students cannot explore Yokohama and therefore have not a good understanding of this city.

Inquiry Questions

  • What are the significant and key places in Yokohama?

  • What are the key statistics associated with Yokohama?

  • What are Virtual Worlds?



  • How can one represent a community through technology?

  • What design features help a user “experience” a place online?



  • Compare and contrast visiting a site in real-life compared to visiting a virtual site.


Problem: G1 students have been exploring the community and significant sites. To enhance their understanding the G1 students have been able to explore the local community, however, due to safety issues and logistics, the students cannot explore Yokohama and therefore have not a good understanding of this city.


Design Brief: As a class, we will create a VIRTUAL WORLD of YOKOHAMA for the G1 students explore digitally.


Design Specifications:

  • resource must have accurate information

  • resource must be an effective study tool for G1 teachers and students

  • resource must be user-friendly  

  • resource must be well organised and easy to navigate

  • resource will be attractive and engaging

  • resource will suitable for the target audience

  • there must be evidence that every team member contributed

Approaches to learning (ATL)

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking

  • Transfer

  • Research 

  • Communication 

  • Collaboration

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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